first steps gymnastics
Our first steps pre school gymnastics classes provide the perfect foundations for a multitude of sporting possibilities.
Choose between our 50 minute, pre school, 2 years plus, parent / carer and child, structured gymnastics classes, or our independent sessions suitable for pre-schoolers aged 3 plus without parental support (parents to stay on site but not take part in the session). Both these sessions are, in our humble opinion, a must for all little children to ensure their optimum physical development. Sessions provide fantastic foundations, not only for gymnastics, but also for many other sports. Working on balance, coordination, strength, flexibility and skill, children have great fun in a safe and reassuring environment with our experienced staff, mum, dad and other carers to help guide the way. Social skills such as sharing, turn taking and peer support are also prevalent throughout our programme.
We also invite these little ones to get involved in our award schemes, festivals and super-cute mini competitions!
Independent sessions run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 2pm - 2:50pm
Sessions with parental support run on Tuesdays at 2pm, Thursdays at 11:30am and Fridays at 2pm
Fees are £31 p/m.
Book a trial session to see for yourself today!